Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pilates for Paddlers

As promised some pilates tips for paddlers. Whether you kayak or canoe, good posture, core strength and flexible muscles are important. I know that my pilates training allows me to enjoy my time in the kayak. Maintaining good posture is key to proper paddling technique. While you're paddling does your back feel tight, or does shoulder's ache.
Some basic pilates exercises done correctly will make your future paddling trips more enjoyable.
Are you experiencing lower back soreness while paddling?
Try stacking your hips, shoulders, and head as if you were sitting against a wall by doing so allows your torso to spine to rotate freely, your torso and shoulders have more range of motion and your lung can expand fully. Core strength will help you maintain this upright posture which will reduce upper body fatigue,and alleviate pressure on your lower back. Good posture while paddling is key but to maintain this posture requires core strength and flexibility. Additional flexibility helps the torso with better rotation and reduces strain on the shoulders and neck which is a common complaint.
Also be sure your kayak is fitted properly. If the deck is too low and does not allow your knees to bend or raise can also cause lower back or leg pain.
Practicing pilates exercises will help you gain strength, stamina to maintain good posture and proper paddling technique.
The beauty of pilates is that you can stretch one part of your body while strengthening the other. It's important to stretch the over worked paddling muscles but you also need to strengthen the non paddling muscles. Keep in mind it takes strong core muscles to keep you balanced in your kayak or canoe.
If you would like more specific pilates exercises that will benefit your needs you can schedule an appointment. Or you can join any beginner pilates class at MidCoast Pilates 373 0872,
This week I will be getting ready for my trip to Alaska. George and I will be staying with my son and his family who are stationed in Sitka, Alaska. George and I are planning on spending as much time on the water as possible. I will keep you up to date as we travel. Oh I forgot, we will staying overnight in Seattle. My first time in Seattle, George is taking me to the Space Needle for dinner and then up the observation deck, can't wait.
More later, good night. Happy healthy paddling. Maurine

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